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Sunday September 28, 2014
UTC and timezone offsets have been giving me headaches all week. I finally have it all worked out so that my function adds the user preferred offset saved on the backend, then subtracts the browser offset before covnerting the date to UTC time that adds the browser offset again and it seems to be working. Now I have to figure out why my last update on Friday that fixed the Kendo date picker not showing the default date locally is now not showing even the Kendo date picker ont he test environment. And so begins another week of my love/hate relationship with coding.
Thursday September 25, 2014
This is a test post for the revised modal popup code I am working on using all of the better coding standards I am using at work. Video/modal player test
Saturday September 06, 2014
I swear I think Git is against me at work and is always reverting my code or somebody is messing in my branch and overwriting my changes but now sitting at home editing a file directly on the server I swear I have commented out the same line of code four times and I know nobody else is working on code on my server. Trying to make a game stats page and it checks if a file exists so it knows not to download a new one from Steam but I need to always download the latest game stats xml so I comment out the line that says if the game stats xml exists, don't download it. I make some changes, get a new achievement and try to update the stats and the don't download a game stats xml is re-enabled. Stupid code.