DOH! Network

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Welcome to the DOH! Network — The Official Website of Johnny Leche.

Tuesday June 12, 2014
I finally updated the DOH! Network to reject spam in my inbox. After trying a bunch of updates to block emails by subject over the last two weeks, I stumbled across Neil Gunton's "How to Block Spam and Email Viruses at the Server" article from 2006. Neil provides information for configuring Sendmail to use blackhole lists from popular anti-spam sites such as the Spamhaus Project and Spam Cop to block open relays. As an added bonus, I am still getting my legit emails! Bonus!
Tuesday June 10, 2014
Thanks to the ChickP's Squeezebox Duet not connecting to the DOH! Network music streaming server I have spent a good chunk of the last week trying to figure out what the problem is. I have been running an older version for awhile because the build on the has not been working with the current version of Linux running on the DOH! Network server and the Duet looks like it connects but can't find the music library. I finally stumbled on the Squeezebox nightly builds and they are more current than the official version Logitech has listed. After a quick download and restart, the Duet finally connected and is working now. Now I just have to make all the customization changes I made to the old version for my Squeezebox 1. So if you have a Squeezebox or UE Smart Radio don't forget to check the nightly builds.
Sunday June 06, 2014
A note when setting up DHCP on your network to have the server distribute IPs to devices: Don't forget like I did that you have to create the leases file manually because the start script won't do it for you. I decided to change the internal IP to something other than and when I deleted the lease file, I couldn't figure out why DHCP wasn't starting. After about thirty minutes of troubleshooting, I was like duh! I always forget so instead of trying to remember, I updated the rc.dhcp file to create the lease file if one is not present. The section I updated originally looked like this... CONFIGFILE="/etc/dhcpd.conf" LEASEFILE="/var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases" INTERFACES="eth1" OPTIONS="-q" Now it looks like this CONFIGFILE="/etc/dhcpd.conf" LEASEFILE="/var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases" # if there is no dhcpd.leases file, `touch` to create one or dhcp won't start. if [ ! -e "$LEASEFILE" ]; then  echo "Creating a new $LEASEFILE file."  touch $LEASEFILE fi INTERFACES="eth1" OPTIONS="-q"